The pup behind the print...

Introducing… Ernie!

Ernie - the pup behind the print

or the curtain anyway…

The eagle-eyed amongst you will surely have spotted this rather handsome face in many of MadderCutch&Co’s images. As April is active dog month what better time to introduce you to the fabulous Ernie? Ernie lives a lovely life filled with long walks accompanied by his owner and MadderCutch&Co’s founder Nicola and afternoons spent snoozing on gorgeous screen-prints!

Ernie is a Parson Russell Terrier and truly lives up to the breed’s characteristic - he is fearless, brave and loveable! He is a clever and playful pup and is confident enough to put other dogs in their place! Ernie is 6 years old and will be 7 on September 24th. He is still very active but has calmed down since puppyhood! Ernie is a pedigree pooch but with his energy, we believe he was meant to be on a working farm! He was originally bought as a puppy near Scunthorpe.

Dogs truly are the best companions and fortunately the things that make them happiest are pretty good for us too. Making sure they are physically active is an important part of keeping them happy and healthy. The amount of exercise required will vary from breed to breed and will also depend on their age. Younger dogs (especially puppies) tend to have short bursts of energy whilst the more mature pooch will prefer a slow stroll through town.

So, how can you get active with your dog this month?

The weather is starting to get brighter and the mornings and evenings lighter which is good news for dog walkers everywhere. However, there are more ways to engage with your dog than simply taking them for a walk. Why not entice them into a game of hide and seek? Make sure you have their attention and then run away whilst calling their name. Praise them when they successfully find you. Slowly begin choosing more difficult hiding places or involving other family members to increase the difficulty!

If the weather cuts your walk short, why not create an obstacle course for your dog? Hunt in the garage for odds and ends such as old tires or boxes which can be used to build the course. Get as creative as you can and see how quickly your dog can complete the course.

Another option is to wake up your dog’s brain by teaching them a new trick- this is something Ernie loves doing! Start by reinforcing the basics before teaching them a new party piece. If you don’t know where to start, Youtube is a fantastic place to get ideas and methods to help.

Did someone say walkies?

You can follow Ernie’s escapades on his own instagram: @erniecliffedog

If the weather (fingers crossed) falls in your favour, a dog is a great excuse - and reason - is get outside and get active. When the sun is shining, why not take the time to explore a new trail or footpath? Meet up with fellow dog walkers or friends to add some interest to your usual stroll. With the weather warming up, swimming is also a great form of exercise for your four-legged friend. It’s a low-impact form of exercise which will allow them to cool down whilst also being easy on their joints. Ernie loves swimming and has found some good places for a quick dunk on hid favourite walk near Stamford meadows. For the bravest amongst you, why not try out open-water swimming yourself and bob along with a friendly face!?

Share how you’re keeping active with your dog this April using the #ActiveDogMonth #ActiveDog and don’t forget to tag us @maddercutchandco so we can see what you’re up to! We will also be sharing a discount code for Madder Cutch & Co’s handmade Ernie dogs in our newsletter so make sure you’re subscribed (you can sign up on our homepage).